Finally, the last box is unpacked. Who knew one could acquire so many things in one year? I came here with three suitcases and a cat. I moved with four suitcases, seven boxes and a cat. Everything is in its place. Now I need to finish off with the things I deem necessary but evidently my land lady doesn´t deem necessary for a furnished apartment. Like a paper towel holder and bathmats and a dish drying rack that is well designed. Oh yes, and the internet and cable.
The cable isn´t that crucial. But internet, that´s serious. I´ve been internet-less for one week now (hence the lack of productivity here on Lady in Lima). I have never been more thankful for my iPhone and its internet. That is until last Friday when my iPhone was flooded by a rouge water bottle and I saw the flashing white light of my phone heading off to the iCloud. On Friday, I was completely internet-less. No contact with the world wide web. With a last shred of hope, I used a blow dryer to dry it out and my phone spent the night in rice. The next morning, a saw a faint screen. I plugged it in and it was alive! An iPhone miracle! There was a small water mark on the screen that eventually dried out over the last few days and now it´s like nothing happened. Thank you, Apple & dear Steve Jobs, for your amazing technology.
My cable company came last Saturday to install the antennae. The guy tried to install it on the roof for thirty minutes and then left to "go get something from [his] car". Five minutes later, Alvaro got a phone call from the company saying that the techinican left because he can´t reach the place to put the antennae since it is "out of normal height range". They would be happy to send another technician to install the system once we found "a tall enough later for him to reach it". Hm. Forgive me for thinking that was his responsibilty.
Needless to say, I´m switching to digital cable which doesn´t require an antennae and thus an extra tall ladder.
We are settling in. Miss Emmaline loves all the extra space and I am constantly amazed at the enormity of my apartment. It´s only 90 square meters, but easily double the size of my last place. Walking from the kitchen to my bedroom takes an eternity! And the best part? For the first time since December 2008, I have laundry in my apartment. Cheers all around!
Comments by IntenseDebate
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Moving, moving.
Lady in Lima
Adjustments|Expat Cat|