
Point for Peru: Mayo

One thing that Peruvians do really, really well is packaging. Call me crazy for noticing the efficient containers and pretty presentations, but when you're searching for positives, even packaging makes the list.

I wish that I would have thought of packaging mayo like this. It's much simpler and requires less utensils, a win-win situation when you don't have a dishwasher. I hate that moment when you get to the bottom of the mayo jar and fight with your knife and/or spoon to get the last, stubborn bits at the bottom of the jar. This problem is non-exsistent with Peru's ultra handy package. Most likely, there is still some mayo left when the bag appears to be empty, but at least I don't have to see it. 

1 comment:

Samantha Bangayan said...

Found your blog through Expat-Blog.com and just had to stop by because I completely related to your story in so many ways! =) I followed my heart back to the Central Andes of Peru after 1.5y of long distance and my blog is also about appreciating the little things here. =)

Haha! I also absolutely loved this post! I just had mayo with my salchicha for lonche this evening and don't spend enough time appreciating how awesome the packaging is designed. =)

So great to be in touch with another expat who followed her heart to Peru! =)

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