
One Way Ticket

I came to Peru with the assumption that I would be here until Alvaro finished law school. I had planned for about two years in Lima, but all along knew that I could go home whenever I wanted. Now that he has finally finished school, my return to the US is imminent.

I hadn't given much thought to my return until the last few weeks as I began arranging things at work. Now I'm looking for a one way plane ticket. I'm selling all of my furniture. I'm looking into closing my accounts. I'm reducing my life to suitcases. When did this happen?

Upon a quick calculation, I'll be returning to the States in roughly 80 days. After nearly 760 days in Peru, I'm left with 80 more.

I'm a mix of emotions, both good and bad. Both happy and relieved, but also sad and nostalgic.

I'm closing my life in Lima. It's slowly coming to an end and in just 80 short days I'm on a way one flight to Nashville.

Where has all the time gone?